
Nxt supports a particularly diverse cross-section of users with very different needs and working methods.


Code is just a click away for artists who know some scripting. Artists can tweak code written by a TD, and build on that example. Artists can also build their own graphs if a project doesn't require a TD.

For example, they could change the height of a rig, or the image size for a render callback, or the directory where an asset is loaded. All without getting into the weeds on how the graph does the work.


A TD’s workflow bridges the gap between artists and developers. TDs need most of the deep functionality that a developer needs, but are also focused on speed when it’s time to solve problems for artists.

Black Box

A Nxt graph can be packaged up as a pipeline tool and run in the background or on the farm. This might include:

  • Rig build
  • Asset publish
  • Asset QC
  • Farm submission
  • Post render image processing
  • VFX wedge
  • Scene assembly

NXT provides an accessible front end to software and processes, allowing developers to spend more time on lower level tools.

Transition Map

This table will take concepts you are familiar with in other products and draw paralells to nxt concepts.

You refer to a directory and file by a path. For example, /projects/images/image.png This path points your program to the data in that file. You refer to a node and attribute by a path. For example /node/node2.attr This points NXT to the data in that source attribute.
You can create a shortcut to another file. We know that it isn’t the file, but a pointer to quickly work with that file. A token is a little like that shortcut. The token syntax is ${path}.
 A instance is also notionally similar to a shortcut in the most simple case.
You can use relative paths, like ../scenes/object.obj. You can use relative node paths, like, ${../node2.attr}
You refer to the drive root with / You refer to the stage root with /


NXT node hierarchies process in a tree structure very similar to a directory structure. It starts at the root, executes any code in that node, then crawls through child nodes, compositing and executing any code it finds.

Photoshop/ NLE NXT
A basic photoshop layer contains an image. Add a new layer and you can see everything below until you paint on the higher layer in an area where there is already an image. Then the base layers become overridden. A NXT layer contains a set of nodes. Add a new layer and you can see everything below until you add a node on the higher layer that shares a name with a layer. Then the node on the lower layer is overridden.
You can mute and solo layers to change what you see. You can mute and solo layers to change what is composited and executed
You can overwrite a small portion of the image with a higher layer, or cover the entire layer. You can overwrite a single attribute, or overwrite the entire node.
Maya NXT
Maya nodes have attributes that hold data or connections to other nodes. NXT nodes have properties that hold data or pointers to other nodes or properties
Maya draws connections between connected attributes. NXT draws two types of connections. 1. Node execution 2. Attribute connections
Maya transform nodes exist in a hierarchy and inherit the transforms of their parent. NXT nodes inherit properties and values of parent nodes.
Maya executes using a DAG. NXT executes using a DAG and then a tree.
A Maya instance is a pointer to a shape, but that shape can have any transform. Any change to the shape propagates to all the instances. A NXT instance is a pointer to a node, and any attributes on that node can be selectively overridden. A change to the original node propagates to all the instances
A Maya reference loads an external file, and then attributes and connections can be overridden or added ( but not deleted ), leaving the source file untouched. A NXT layer loads an external file, and then attributes and connections can be overridden or added ( but not deleted ), leaving the source file untouched.
To make substantial changes to a Maya reference, you would change the original file, or import the file and ‘own’ it in your scene. A NXT node can be localized and similar to importing.
Values are edited via channel box or attribute editor Values are edited via property editor
UI: navigation, renaming, node connections, 123 hotkeys, qwer hotkeys,
Nuke NXT
Nuke processes a graph of nodes. Each node can manipulate, add, or remove image data in specific channels. NXT processes a graph of node trees. Any node can access or overwrite an inherited attribute.

Houdini NXT
Houdini SOP nodes pass a table of attributes to subsequent nodes that can be modified, added or deleted. NXT works in a similar way with it’s inheritance tree.
Any child node can access an inherited attribute, visualized via spreadsheet. Any child node can access an inherited attribute, visualized via resolved/cached view.
Node paths follow OS conventions Node paths follow OS conventions

Blueprint/Bifrost/Ice/VEX NXT
These have a node for every function; type conversion, flow control, random generation. NXT uses nodes and graphs to represent the data and tree execution, but the logic, flow control, and execution is all code.